Blog Hiring How-To Thought Leadership

Truth Telling – Pruning Teams is Messy

Do you like to garden, or do you like when someone else helps you with your garden? Or… do you like to smell the flowers and call *that* gardening? (We see many hands raised.) Our CEO Sally appeared on Luvvie Ajayi Jones’ recent podcast, and Luvvie called it “Pulling the Weeds.” 

They had a lively, truth-telling conversation about tending to the garden of teamwork. Building a high-performing team has some similarities to gardening: finding and planting the best flowers that align to your goals, attention to the conditions/culture of soil health, nourishment to keep them growing… and a little weeding from time to time. The conversation had us smiling at how Forshay is like a gardening partner who supports you in any area of team growth, including getting into the weeds to build a solid foundation for teams to flourish. 

2023 Was Worse for P&Ls Than Covid’s Arrival

No breaking news here that last year was *the worst* for many leaders running their P&L. The free-flowing streams of revenue in the economy were tightly turned off, and the question of when the economy/conditions of growth would return was on every CEO’s lips. How much should be pruned so that the limited resources would get us through this drought? 

Luvvie didn’t hold back in revealing just how tricky it was to navigate team transitions in both growth (she wanted to pull the weeds that were in the wrong garden) and when the weather conditions changed in her financial forecast and she could only support a much smaller flower bed. Most CEOs we know don’t reveal the conversations we have with them behind closed Zoom rooms, but Luvvie laid it all out there, and even made us laugh during some pretty manure-y challenges.


Planting the Right Seeds (or Borrowing Some Fully-Formed Flowers!)

Happily, we are seeing a shift in the weather at Forshay. It’s definitely not raining, but the sprinkles of key hires are happening. And the interim, 3-6 month fill-in-your-leadership gap requests are always the first to come in.

What’s missing in your beautiful team garden? When you aren’t sure if you can support the longer-term employee headcount, but you need to keep your team healthy and hitting it’s goals…the interim model is ideal. It’s portable, fully-formed adults jumping in.

We’ve been placing interim CFOs and backfilling Chief People Officers when the garden needs a little rotation. As our most recent client said, “You really took the time to understand our culture, adjusted to our needs and nuances, adapted quickly, and delivered the right candidates.”

We love taking a holistic approach to learning the current state of the market and then sourcing top talent to cultivate a leadership team that will flourish.


Tilling the Soil: Working With What You’ve Got

Even the most vibrant seeds can’t thrive in the wrong soil/structure. An outdated org structure, unclear roles, or inefficient workflows can stifle growth and frustrate your team.

Forshay’s organizational design and job architecture experts are like tilling the soil in your garden. We help you create a clear, fertile foundation with just the right amount of structure, well-defined roles and responsibilities, and modern ways of working that empower your team to do their best work.


Nourishing Your Team: The Power of Learning and Development

High-performing teams are more like prize-winning orchids, roses, or tulips…and less like wildflowers. They need regular watering, nutrients, and shaping. Similarly, your team thrives with ongoing learning and development opportunities to stay sharp and motivated.

Just ask your favorite AI engine what the data are for the ROI on learning and development, and the citations will fill up your screen. We’ve been designing and delivering custom workshops with absolute JOY this year. But if you want to do this part of the gardening yourself, we can also support you in creating customized learning plans using AI. However, you want to nourish your team…we’re here to make it high-quality, effective, and easy.


Thinking of Expanding Your Garden? Let’s Strategize

Regardless of the economic climate, companies need to grow to survive. Just like any gardener with a grand vision, we all need a plan…with a budget that will get approved.

If you’re looking for new ideas, we are evaluating a business idea for a large AI company where their “garden” might expand. They cited the need for “big company consulting services” without the big company consulting fees and asked for management consultant/analysis support. We also seeded their internal leaders’ perspectives with an objective outsider POV to help them decide where to expand.

If you are considering tilling a few more rows, we’ll help you assess the feasibility of expansion plans and develop a roadmap for supporting your ambitious goals.


Don’t Overwork The Master Gardener!

The market conditions have been rough, and leaders who have been tending their team gardens (ie, you) have been through some tough, exhausting storms. Forshay is here to partner with you to ensure your garden bears fruit season after season…and that you don’t burn out!

Is it time to add a key leader (interim or direct hire), strengthen your organization’s latest structure, nourish your team with new skills, or strategize for future growth? Reach out – let’s cultivate a bumper crop harvest!


Blog Inclusion & Diversity Recruiting Thought Leadership

Community vs Culture
(a subpart of Compensation)

Last month we took a tour of some nuanced strategies to optimize employees’ total reward package.

This month we’re addressing what might be called the long (or middle?) game in supporting employee retention. Employee retention has such an economic impact on  the business, so this strategy is well worth updating.

Have you ever considered that “community” and culture could be a form of indirect compensation, given that how employees feel – their level of energy at work – can have enormous value?

Closely related to culture, but not the same, community is an element that activates within culture. Community focuses on the interpersonal and social aspects of your company, whereas culture is the framework for community – the broader organizational environment and norms. All of it represents a major “benefit” to employees when companies get it right.

The other valuable “C” (don’t make us choose favorites), is clarity – because you can’t build amazing culture and community without it. People need to know what the common goals are, what are they rallying around, how do they, as a unique puzzle piece, fit into the whole picture?

So let’s start with clarity…clarity about roles is one thing you might imagine improved after the turmoil of the pandemic.


Turns out, not so much.

Gallup reported this year that employees are significantly less certain about what is expected of them than they were in 2020 – across the board, whether remote, hybrid, or on-site. In answer to the question “I know what is expected of me at work”,

Remote employees  – 47% answered yes, a 12-point drop from 2020

On-site employees – 43% said yes, a 6-point drop

Hybrid workers, 41%  said yes, a drop of 13%.

In fact, CLARITY –  improving communications about expectations  – could be a secret sauce that jumpstarts stronger community (and ripples into supporting the broader culture) that few are talking about.


Where to start

Given humans are complex social beings, consider building community in a multi-dimensional way. How might you design and deliver a series of short programs that incorporate leadership, learning, practical strategies, and team bonding?

The possibilities are many – almost too many. (Overwhelm, anyone? We’ve got your back.)

Here is a clear starting place to consider – a checklist and a tool for quickly tailoring workshops to your goals.


Step 1: First, do a quick scan of this list and see what stands out to you.

Forshay’s Checklist for Building Team Community & Culture:

Shared Values & Purpose:

  • Mission & Vision: Is the company mission and vision clearly communicated?
  • Team Building Activities: Are there regular team-building events that promote collaboration?
  • Recognition & Rewards: Do programs recognize behaviors that embody company values and teamwork?

Open Communication & Transparency:

  • Leadership Accessibility: Are leaders approachable and visible to employees?
  • Communication Channels: Are there established channels for regular communication (town halls, emails, etc.)?
  • Transparency & Feedback: Is there transparency in decision-making, and is employee feedback actively encouraged?

Collaboration & Psychological Safety:

  • Cross-Functional Teams: Are there opportunities for collaboration between different departments?
  • Psychological Safety: Do employees feel safe to share ideas and make mistakes without fear of punishment?
  • Conflict Resolution: Are healthy conflict resolution strategies in place?

Celebration & Recognition:

  • Team Wins: Are team accomplishments, big and small, celebrated?
  • Employee Appreciation: Are there programs to show appreciation for individual and team contributions?
  • Social Events: Are there opportunities for employees to connect in ways that align to what energizes them? (ie you’ve surveyed them to know what social events are actually valued)

Inclusion & Belonging:

  • Inclusiveness: Are there programs to create, evolve, and sustain a welcoming and inclusive community?
  • Mentorship Programs: Are there mentorship programs to connect experienced and new employees?

Step 2:

Now, with your tailored shortlist, here’s a tool for you to move forward. We’re using BALLOON ( to design for community and team workshops that will specifically serve each team – it can be skill development (personal or career growth), team cohesion, increasing belonging…all of which directly impact business performance. There are pre-populated questions from Adam Grant, Daniel Pink, and Amy Edmonson among other excellent leaders in teamwork (and full disclosure, Sally Thornton is an Advisor and also has flight templates – we invest our time where we see the win/win/win).

In designing the Balloon, our clients’ team members specify what area they want to focus on, and we customize the Balloon to deliver. This frees you and your internal team to do your highest value work.

Deceptively simple, time-saving, and effective.


Getting Started Boosting Community ROI

Does anything in this Clarity/Community/Culture approach resonate with you? We’re Curious (and on a roll!). 😊
Is your organization at the top end of the “community” compensation scale? How do you know?

Reach out, and we’ll happily help you take stock and think through your strategy and/or execution—please consider us part of your extended community!
